Performance and Calibration Procedures
Read back the N3280A status to be sure that it’s in the –
CL mode. This
query should return a Bit value of “
4” for –CL mode.
4. Adjust the transformer to the lowest rated line voltage
(e.g., 104 Vac for a 120 Vac nominal line voltage input).
Set the ammeter to the 1A range, and record the current reading on the
ammeter. (low-line value)
5. Adjust the transformer to the highest rated line voltage
(e.g., 127 Vac for 120 Vac nominal line voltage input).
Record the current reading on the ammeter. (high-line value)
6. The difference between the low-line and the high-line values is the
source effect voltage and should be within the limits listed in the
performance test record card under Voltage Priority Source Effect
–Current Limit.
Current Priority, Constant Current Source Effect
NOTE: The voltage limits in Current Priority Mode are not programmable.
Action Program Commands
1. Connect the ac input of the dc source to a variable voltage transformer
(or ac source). Set the transformer to nominal line voltage.
Connect the output as shown in Figure B-1a with an ammeter directly
across the Hi and Lo output terminals.
2. Turn on the dc source and program the Current Priority mode.
Program the current to 0.5mA.
“OUTP ON,(@1)”
“CURR 0.0005,(@1)”
Read back the N3280A status to be sure that it’s in the
CC mode. This
query should return a Bit value of “
8” for CC mode.
4. Adjust the transformer to the lowest rated line voltage
(e.g., 104 Vac for a 120 Vac nominal line voltage input).
Set the ammeter to the 1mA range, and record the current reading on the
ammeter. (low-line value)
5. Adjust the transformer to the highest rated line voltage
(e.g., 127 Vac for 120 Vac nominal line voltage input).
Record the current reading on the ammeter. (high-line value)
6. The difference between the low-line and the high-line values is the
source effect current and should be within the limits listed in the
performance test record card under Current Priority Source Effect