Earlier Version Output Connectors
This appendix documents the earlier version output connectors used on Agilent N3280A units.
Earlier style Agilent N3280A units used a different style output connector with ten (10) pins instead of
the six used on the present connector. The additional pins were used as guard connection points. The
earlier style connector also limited the wire sizes that could be used for output connections. Wires sizes
were limited to AWG 24 and AWG 26. The following table documents the mating part for the earlier
style connectors. These mating parts were not shipped with the unit.
Mating Connector Part Numbers
(for wires)
10-terminal output plug for connecting load and sense
wires. Connector installs in the back of the unit. Can be
ordered from 3M company (www.3m.com/interconnects)
(underline specifies coax length)
(with coax)
10-terminal output plug with terminated 36" coaxial
cables. Connector installs in the back of the unit. Can be
ordered from 3M company (www.3m.com/interconnects)
Rear Panel Pinout Assignments
The following figure documents the pin-out assignments of the earlier style connectors.