Language Dictionary - 6
Table 6-1. Subsystem Commands Syntax (continued)
[:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <n>, (@list)
Sets the output current (in current priority mode)
:TRIGgered [:AMPLitude] <n>, (@list)
Sets the triggered output current (in current priority mode)
:LIMit [:POSitive]
[:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <n>, (@list)
Sets the current limit (in voltage priority mode)
:BWIDth <bandwidth> , (@list)
Sets the output compensation bandwidth
:TRIGgered [:AMPLitude] <n>, (@list)
Sets the triggered current limit (in voltage priority mode)
:MODE <mode>, (@list)
Sets the current trigger mode (FIXed | STEP)
[:TIME] <n>, (@list)
Sets the output settling delay time in Manual mode
:MODE <mode>, (@list)
Sets the output settling delay mode (AUTO | MANual )
:MODE <mode>, (@list)
Sets the output mode (VOLTage | CURRent)
:BWIDth <bandwidth> , (@list)
Sets the output compensation bandwidth
[:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <n>, (@list)
Sets the output voltage (in voltage priority mode)
:TRIGgered [:AMPLitude] <n>, (@list)
Sets the triggered output voltage (in voltage priority mode)
:MODE <mode>, (@list)
Sets the voltage trigger mode (FIXed | STEP)
[:STATe] <bool>, (@list)
Enables/disables overvoltage protection on the selected output
[:EVENt]? (@list)
Returns the value of the event register
:CONDition? (@list)
Returns the value of the condition register
:ENABle <n>, (@list)
Enables specific bits in the Event register
:NTRansition<n>, (@list)
Sets the Negative transition filter
:PTRansition<n>, (@list)
Sets the Positive transition filter
Presets all enable and transition registers to power-on
[:EVENt]? (@list)
Returns the value of the event register
:CONDition? (@list)
Returns the value of the condition register
:ENABle <n>, (@list)
Enables specific bits in the Event register
:NTRansition<n>, (@list)
Sets the Negative transition filter
:PTRansition<n>, (@list)
Sets the Positive transition filter
Returns the error number and error string
Returns the SCPI version number
Triggers the measurement immediately
:SOURce <source>
Sets the measurement trigger source (BUS | EXTernal)
Triggers the output immediately
:SOURce <source>
Sets the output trigger source (BUS | EXTernal)
NOTE: Some [optional] commands have been included for clarity. Refer to chapter 6 for a
complete description of all programming commands.