
B - Performance and Calibration Procedures
Table B-1. Equipment Required (continued)
Oscilloscope Sensitivity: 1 mV/div.
Bandwidth Limit: 20 to 30 MHz
Probe: 1:1 with RF tip
Agilent Infinium or
RMS voltmeter True RMS
Bandwidth: 20 Mhz min.
Sensitivity: 100 µV
Rhode & Schwartz
Model URE3 RMS-P-P
Variable-voltage transformer
or ac source
Adjustable to highest rated input voltage
range. Power: 500 VA
Agilent 6800 series
Tektronixs current probe
amplifier and power module
20mA/div AM503B
TM501 or 2A
Pulse/function generator +/- 1V Square Wave , 400-1kHz Agilent 8116A
Load resistor, 20 ohms 20 ohm 10W 0811-3896 or equivalent
Resistor 0.2 ohm 5- 1 ohm resistors in parallel 5 – 0699-0208 or equivalent
Resistor 1k ohm 1k ohm for 15mA range accuracy 0757-0280 or equivalent
Resistor 20K ohm 20k ohm for 0.5mA range accuracy 0757-0449 or equivalent
Resistor 16k ohm 16.2k ohm for rms noise measurements 0757-0447 or equivalent
Resistor 50 ohm 50 ohm series resistor for noise
0757-0706 or equivalent
Capacitor 10uF for voltage
transient response
3- 3.3uF film type capacitors in parallel 3 – 0160-7308 or equivalent
Capacitor for current
transient response
0.47uF film type capacitor 1060-0970 or equivalent
Performance & Verification Tests
Enter all of the performance test results and calculated measurements in the Performance Test Record
Form that is provided at the end of this section.
Measurement Techniques
If more than one meter or if a meter and an oscilloscope are used, connect each to the terminals by a
separate pair of leads to avoid mutual coupling effects. For constant voltage dc tests, connect only to HI
sense and LO sense terminals, since the unit regulates the voltage that appears at the sense terminals, not
the output terminals. Use twisted-pair wiring to avoid noise pickup on the test leads.
NOTE: When using the Agilent 3458A as an ammeter, always select the specific current measurement
range that you will be using. Do not use the autoranging feature of the ammeter, as this may
introduce noise in your current measurements by toggling between measurement ranges.
Always use the lowest range possible to provide the best measurement accuracy.