13. Lens Manager Menu
lenS ManageR Menu
Lens Manager Menu
Camera Status Line
Calibration Button
loaded into the LDB or Universal Remote Controller
(UMC-3). See Chapter 13.2.
All created Iris Tables will be stored permanently in the
internal ash-memory of the WRC-2 and simultaneously
displayed in the User Iris List for a quick access.
Iris Tables can be removed from the User Iris List for
a better clarity, however, they will remain stored in the
User Folder System from where they can be added to
the User Iris List again.
Lens Manager Menu Functions
In order to compensate ramps via the iris or to display
iris values in the Camera Control Menu, one of the
following two requirements must be fullled:
1.) Using a Lens with Lens Data System:
In this case the iris information will be transfered via a
Lens Control System (LCS) Unit to the camera.
LCS Units are e.g.: Lens Data Box, FEM-2, UMC-3 or
ARRIFLEX 416 Plus (electronics side cover). Therefore
creating an Iris Table is not necessary.
To register and calibrate the lens:
● Connect a lens motor to the LCS Unit.
● Start the calibration process via the „CAL“ Button in
the Lens Manager Menu.
Alternatively the CAL button on the WHA-2/3 or
WMU-2/3 can be used. If no ramp compensation is
intended, the iris ring of the LDS ring can be turned
to enable the display of the iris values in the Camera
Control Menu.
2.) Using a Lens without LDS:
In this case, an Iris Table for the Non-LDS-Lens has
to be created manually in the Lens Manager Menu and
Created Iris Tables
Iris Table Status Line
Access to User
Folder System