Ramp Control Menu
Even though the WRC-2 can compute the correct
exposure values, a proper planning of the ramp is
recommended to understand and follow the calculations.
For this example we assume the following:
- The director wants to change the camera speed
between 3 and 24 fps manually.
- The exposure should be compensated by iris and
shutter simultaneously.
- Set up the WRC-2 and acquire the correct f-stop.
The WRC-2 could be set up as follows:
1.) In the Main Menu click on „Lens Manger“. Make
sure that the used lens is loaded and calibrated (see
Chapter 15) otherwise the iris compensation will not
be available.
2.) Start the Ramp Control Menu (from Main Menu).
3.) Click on „Options“ and enable the Ramp and
Exposure Meter Controls. Measure the light to
acquire the working f-stop and enter the value in the
yellow window. Make sure your lightmeter is set to
1/50 second or 24/25fps. Click EXIT to conrm.
4.) Click on „Speed“ and enter the start value „3“ and
the end value „24“ frames per second.
14.7 Ramp Example
5.) Select „Knob“ from the Ramp Time Window to
enable the manual speed change.
6.) Activate „Shutter“ and „Iris“ compensation and
move the slider in the middle position to mix the
compensation ratio to 50% Iris and 50% Shutter.
Use the Arrow Buttons to adjust in small steps.
7.) Confirm the working f-stop or enter a new one if
the light has changed.
8.) Start the camera by pressing the RUN button and
control the speed change by turning the knob.
RaMp ContRol Menu