Chapter 3 Configuring the System
NV 7000 only supports MPEG4 compression format.
9 Mask/Shield Edit
Tick Shield or Mask box according to your demands.
10 Mask: Tick Mask box to enable this function. You can tick “Show Mask” and
select a color. Move your cursor to the screen and then click the left button to
mask a specific area. To cancel the mask area, you can select Mask in
Mask/Shield Edit column and then click Clear.
When you enable Mask and assign a masked area, the system will NOT detect
any motion in the masked area. When it detects motions outside the marked
area, the upper-left corner of the screen will appear a green triangle mark.
Once the area is marked as a mask area, there won’t be any motion detection.
The images of the masked area will be meshed.
Shield: Tick the Shield box to enable Shield. Move your cursor to the screen
and then click the left button to shield a specific area. The marked area will be
shielded. That means the DVR system doesn’t show, detect and record the
shielded area. To cancel the shielded area, you can select Shield in
Mask/Shield Edit column and then click Clear.