Page 49 MNNCEKRKB1_0439
5.16 Sony vide o multiplexer
5.16.1 Description
The Sony YS-DX516P multiplexer can be used to connect 16 input videos that are digitalized and then
displayed in a composite output image.
5.16.2 Materials a nd reference documents
Sony YS-DX516P multiplexer
Multiplexer manual
Security Serial Protocol Ver 1.11.2, issued on November 28, 2002.
5.16.3 Direct conn ection Cable
RJjack1 RJjack2
L=1200 m
EKR-KB1 RJjack 1 RJjack 2 Mux
RS485A white red RS485A
RS485B yellow green RS485B
The connection is in RS485. The max. distance between keyboard and multiplexer is 1200 m. Setting up the multiplexer
Configure the unit address and the RS485 communication mode appropriately. See the corresponding user’s
manual. Setting up the keyboard
When configuring the keyboard, the
submenu should be set as follows:
Sony multiplexer control
Four baud rate values are possible. Operational test
When the keyboard is connected directly with the multiplexer configured as above, using the cable
as shown above, it should be immediately possible to switch the input videos:
• press
to select multiplexer unit 1
• press
, , to select the input videos.
For each command sent by the keyboard, a corresponding LED lights up on the local multiplexer keyboard.
Important!! If the multiplexer unit number does not match, the commands sent by the keyboard will be