Chapter 6. RDB and XML integration 107
tables still remains an element. However, with this same option, but with the
Recurse through foreign keys check box ticked, this column is generated as an
attribute. This option also generates a XSL and XML file for the AIRCRAFT table.
For the these files for the AIRCRAFT table, the primary key, aircraft_key, is
generated as a attribute and the type column becomes an element. The root
element is <SQLResult> and the <AIRCRAFT> element holding the attributes
and elements is names after the table.
HTML file
The resulting HTML files (Figure 6-5 and Figure 6-6) generated by the first three
options, (‘Elements’, ‘Attributes’ and ‘Primary keys as attributes’) produce similar
results. A HTML form is produced for all the fields selected.
Figure 6-5 HTML for ‘Elements’, ‘Attributes’, and ‘Primary key as attributes’