Chapter 9. Developing XML Web services 199
Figure 9-17 Generated DAD file
9.2.5 Create the Web Service from DADX file
We are going to create a Web Service to encapsulate the extraction of the
passenger list from the database. Web Service example which lists all the
passengers that have tickets for a flight. Here we take a more top-down
approach by first designing the format of the output message as an XML
Schema. We then map the schema elements with the database fields and
express the mapping as a DAD file that can be executed by the DB2 XML
Extender. The DB2 XML Extender allows us to handle XML documents that have
complex hierarchical structures. We then work on a user interface to display the
output into HTML and test its behavior.
The DB2 XML Extender provides stored procedures that can execute DAD files.
The Web Service files are going to be in a different project called
DAD Extension
DAD Extension (DADX) is an XML technology for rapidly creating Web services
that access relational databases such as DB2 UDB. When combined with the
DB2 XML Extender, DADX supports mapping relational data into complex XML
documents and storing XML documents in the database. DADX consists of an
XML document format and a Java runtime component that work with Apache