IBM Version 5 Universal Remote User Manual

Chapter 10. Development of XML-based Enterprise applications 231
String xsltSystemID = stylesheetURL.toExternalForm();
mainStylesheet = transFact.newTemplates(
new StreamSource(xsltSystemID));
stylesheetURL = getServletContext().
xsltSystemID = stylesheetURL.toExternalForm();
resultStylesheet = transFact.newTemplates(
new StreamSource(xsltSystemID));
} catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce)
{ log("Unable to compile stylesheet", tce);
throw new UnavailableException(
"Unable to compile stylesheet");
} catch (MalformedURLException mue)
{ log("Unable to locate XSLT file: " + xslName);
throw new UnavailableException(
"Unable to locate XSLT file: " + xslName);
The showPage method applies a style sheet to a DOM tree. As shown in
Figure 10-14 on page 232, and in the source code in Figure 10-3 on
page 232, the method first invokes the DOM generation using the
produceDOMDocument in the CustomerXML class, mentioned in
Example 10-2 on page 230. Following the DOM generation, a new
transformer is created. This transformer applies the style sheet on the
generated DOM, and writes the transformed HTML result to the Web