IBM Version 5 Universal Remote User Manual

Chapter 4. Introduction to IBM WebSphere Application Developer 73
4.2 Tools
The WebSphere Studio family of products includes the following basic tools:
Web development tools
Relational database tools
XML tools
Java development tools
Web services development tools
Team collaboration tools
Integrated debugger
Server tools for testing and deployment
Enterprise JavaBean development tools (not in Site Developer Advanced)
Performance profiling tools (not in WSSD)
Plug-in development tools
4.2.1 Web development tools
The professional Web development environment provides the necessary tools to
develop sophisticated Web applications consisting of static HTML pages, JSPs,
servlets, XML deployment descriptors, and other resources.
Wizards are available to generate running Web applications based on SQL
queries and JavaBeans. Links between Web pages can be automatically
updated when content changes. There are also tools for creating images and
animated GIFs.
The Web development environment bring all aspects of Web application
development into one common interface. Everyone on your Web development
team including content authors, graphic artists, programmers, and Web masters,
can work on the same projects and access the files they need.
Such an integrated Web development environment makes it easy to
collaboratively create, assemble, publish, deploy, and maintain dynamic,
interactive Web applications.
The Web development tools provide the following features:
Support for latest Web technology with an intuitive user interface
Advanced scripting support to create client-side dynamic applications with
VBScript or JavaScript
Web Art Designer to create graphic titles, logos, buttons, and photo frames
with professional-looking touches
Animated GIF designer to create life-like animation from still pictures,
graphics, and animated banners