Mitsubishi Electronics SW0D5C-CNVW-E Cable Box User Manual

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Product Components
The components of this product are shown below.
Type Product Name Quantity
GX Converter Version 1 (1-license product) (CD-ROM) 1
License agreement 1
End-user softwere license agreement 1
Method of installing the MELSOFT series 1
Software registration notice 1
GX Converter Version 1 (Multiple license product) (CD-ROM) 1
License agreement
End-user softwere license agreement 1
Method of installing the MELSOFT series 1
Software registration notice 1
1: The number of included license agreements is equivalent to the number of licenses.
We do not guarantee the commercially-available Windows
-based software
products that have been introduced in this manual.
We hold the copyrights of this software package.
No part of this manual may be transcribed or duplicated in any form without prior
permission by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.
We have attempted to cover all the revisions of software and hardware, but this
manual may not contain the latest revisions.
The software of this product requires one license to be purchased per computer.
We permit the user to use this software package (including this manual) based on
the Software License Agreement.
We are not liable for consequences or influences due to this software package
(including this manual).
The specifications of this software package and the descriptions in this manual
may be altered in future without prior notice.