English _85
Group Setting
You can set the group to whom the e-mail is sent, and specify the permission for each group.
Apart from the NVR user group, you can add email recipients from the <Recipient> item.
Group : Specify the recipient group who receives the email event notification.
Add : Click the button to display the added group name input dialog. Enter the name, and click <OK> to
add the group.
Delete : Deletes the selected group.
Rename : You can reset the recipient permission of an existing group.
Recipient Permission : Set the permission of the recipient group.
Recipient Setting
You can add/remove a recipient(s) to/from the specified group and edit the group if necessary.
Select a recipient group who receives the email notification.
The group list will be displayed only if you added at least one group to the <Group> item.
Add : You can select the recipient’s name, e-mail and group.
You should have created a group in the <Group> menu item before you can add a user to the group.