Sanyo DSR-3000P DVR User Manual

9-pin connector specifications
Pin No. Signal Operation Signal direction
1 ––
2 RXD Receive data Computer Digital video recorder
3 TXD Transmit data Digital video recorder Computer
4 ––
5 GND Ground
6 ––
7 RTS Request to send Digital video recorder Computer
8 ––
9 ––
Data format
Mode Asynchronous
Character length 8 bits
Data transmit speed 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 bps
Parity None
Stop bit 1
Communication protocol
Communication is carried out in units of 1 byte. After the computer transmits one byte of data, it waits for a
response from the digital video recorder, and then transmits the next byte of data.
To start sending commands, an ON (F6) command is sent. The digital video recorder will continue to receive
commands until an OFF (F7) command is sent to stop. The digital video recorder sends an ACK (OA) each time it
receives a command.
See Table 4 - Command Table on page 71.
Data format
Mode Asynchronous
Character length 8 bits
Data transmit speed 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 bps
Parity None
Stop bit 1
Communication protocol
A proprietary Sanyo protocol (SSP: Security Serial Protocol) is used. It is recommended that a special controller be
used. Contact the place of purchase for further details on obtaining a special controller.