the automatic-off time of the
backlight 34
the automatic-off time of the
LCD display 37
the backlight 34
the beep 41
the calibration of the LCD display 39
the clock 11, 42
the contrast of the LCD display 40
the names of the labels 65
the preset codes 45
the System Control macro 51
the Timer 59
the volume 27
the volume control of visual
components 57
the XPRESS macro activation 56
Specifications 70
Starting up AX Remote Editor 19
STD_TIME (Standard time) 11, 43
SYNC-UP button 9, 28
SYSTEM CONTROL buttons 9, 31, 51
System Control function
clearing the System Control macro 54
executing the System Control macro 31
programming the System Control
macro 51
System Control keys 9, 31, 51
System requirements 16
TIMER button 9, 29
Timer function
clearing the Timer macro 64
executing the Timer 29
setting the Timer 59
Troubleshooting 71
Unit Settings 34
USB driver 17
USB cable 8, 18, 19
Visual components 57
Volume 27, 57
VOLUME +/– buttons 9, 27
XPRESS button 9, 22
XPRESS function
changing the name of the XPRESS
function 65
default XPRESS list 21
operating the XPRESS function 22
overview 21
perform an easy action “Air-Slide” for
XPRESS function 29
setting the XPRESS macro activation 56