SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Chapter 6: Managing SonicWALL Licenses
System > Licenses
The System > Licenses page provides links to activate, upgrade, or renew SonicWALL
Security Services licenses. From this page in the SonicWALL Management Interface, you can
manage all the SonicWALL Security Services licensed for your SonicWALL security appliance.
The information listed in the Security Services Summary table is updated from your
mysonicwall.com account. The System > Licenses page also includes links to FREE trials of
SonicWALL Security Services.
By design, the SonicWALL License Manager cannot be configured to use a third
party proxy server. Networks that direct all HTTP and HTTPS traffic through a third
party proxy server may experience License Manager issues.
Node License Status
A node is a computer or other device connected to your LAN with an IP address.
If your SonicWALL security appliance is licensed for unlimited nodes, the Node License Status
section displays the message: The SonicWALL is licensed for unlimited Nodes/Users. No
other settings are displayed.
If your SonicWALL security appliance is not licensed for unlimited nodes, the Node License
Status table lists how many nodes your security appliance is licensed to have connected at any
one time, how many nodes are currently connected, and how many nodes you have in your
Node License Exclusion List.
The Currently Licensed Nodes table lists details on each node connected to your security
appliance. The table is not displayed if no nodes are connected.