Anti-Spam > LDAP Configuration
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
• Port Number—The port number of the LDAP Server. The default port number is 389.
• LDAP Server Type—Choose from the dropdown list of servers: Active Directory, Lotus
Domino, Exchange 5.5, Sun ONE iPlanet, or Other.
• LDAP Page Size—The maximum page size on the LDAP Server to be queried.
• Requires SSL—Selecting this enables the LDAP Server to require SSL.
• Allow LDAP Referrals—Selecting this allows LDAP referrals.
From the Authentication Method section, you will need to configure the LDAP login method for
users. Select either Anonymous bind or Login for the LDAP login method, and then specify
the Login name and Password. You can also enable the Auto-fill LDAP Query fields when
saving configuration option by selecting the checkbox. Click Save Changes to finish adding
an LDAP Server.
Note You can test the settings you just configured by clicking the Test LDAP Login button on the
bottom right corner of the Authentication Method section.
Configuring an LDAP Server
From the list of available LDAP servers, click the Edit icon . The Server Configuration,
LDAP Query Panel, and Add LDAP Mappings sections expand for you to edit. The Server
Configuration section that expands upon clicking the Edit icon is the same section you
configured when adding a new LDAP server.
LDAP Query Panel
If you selected the Auto-fill LDAP Query fields option in the Server Configuration section, the
LDAP Query Panel will automatically fill with default values.
If you did not select the aforementioned option, the following values will need to be specified in
order to successfully allow users to login to their Junk Box: