Network > Interfaces
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
To determine the traps that are possible when using IPS Sniffer Mode with Intrusion Prevention
enabled, search for Intrusion in the table found in the Index of Log Event Messages section in
the SonicOS Log Event Reference Guide. The SNMP trap number, if available for that event,
is printed in the SNMP Trap Type column of the table.
To determine the possible traps with Gateway Anti-Virus enabled, search the table for Security
Services, and view the SNMP trap number in the SNMP Trap Type column.
To enable and configure SNMP:
Step 1 Select the System tab, Administration folder from the navigation panel.
Step 2 Scroll down to the Advanced Management section.
Step 3 Select the Enable SNMP checkbox. The Configure button becomes active.
Step 4 Click Configure. The SNMP Settings dialog box is displayed.
Step 5 In the SNMP Settings dialog box, for System Name, type the name of the SNMP manager
system that will receive the traps sent from the SonicWALL.
Step 6 Enter the name or email address of the contact person for the SNMP Contact
Step 7 Enter a description of the system location, such as “3rd floor lab”.
Step 8 Enter the system’s asset number.
Step 9 For Get Community Name, type the community name that has permissions to retrieve SNMP
information from the SonicWALL, e.g. public.
Step 10 For Trap Community Name, type the community name that will be used to send SNMP traps
from the SonicWALL to the SNMP manager, e.g. public.
Step 11 For the Host fields, type in the IP address(es) of the SNMP manager system(s) that will receive
the traps.
Step 12 Click OK.