User Management
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Configuration instructions for the settings on this page are provided in the following sections:
• “User Login Settings” on page 1020
• “User Session Settings” on page 1021
• “Other Global User Settings” on page 1022
• “Acceptable Use Policy” on page 1024
• “Customize Login Pages” on page 1026
User Login Settings
In the Authentication method for login drop-down list, select the type of user account
management your network uses:
• Select Local Users to configure users in the local database in the SonicWALL appliance
using the Users > Local Users and Users > Local Groups pages.
For information about using the local dat
abase for authentication, see “Using Local Users
and Groups for Authentication” on page 996.
For detailed configuration instructions,
see the following sections:
“Configuring Local Users” on page 1027
“Configuring Local Groups” on page 1034
• Select RADIUS if you have more than 1,000 users or want to add an extra layer of security
for authenticating the user to the SonicWALL. If you select RADIUS for user authentication,
users must log into the SonicWALL using HTTPS in order to encrypt the password sent to
the SonicWALL. If a user attempts to log into the SonicWALL using HTTP, the browser is
automatically redirected to HTTPS.
For information about using a RADIUS dat
abase for authentication, see “Using RADIUS for
Authentication” on page 998.
For detailed configuration instructions, see “Con
figuring RADIUS Authentication” on
page 1039
• Select RADIUS + Local Users if you want to use both RADIUS and the SonicWALL local
user database for authentication.
• Select LDAP if you use a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server, Microsoft
Active Directory (AD) server, or Novell eDirectory to maintain all your user account data.
For information about using an LDAP dat
abase for authentication, see “Using LDAP / Active
Directory / eDirectory Authentication” on
page 999.
For detailed configuration instructions, see “Con
figuring LDAP Integration in SonicOS
Enhanced” on page 1046
• Select LDAP + Local Users if you want to use both LDAP and the SonicWALL local user
database for authentication.
In the Sing
le-sign-on method drop-down list, select one of the following:
• Select SonicWALL SSO Agent if you are using Active Directory for authentication and the
SonicWALL SSO Agent is installed on a computer in the same domain.
• Select SonicWALL SSO Agent if you are using Terminal Services and the SonicWALL
Terminal Services Agent (TSA) is installed on a terminal server in the same domain.