SonicPoint > SonicPoints
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
WEP Key Mode: Select the size of the encryption key.
Default Key: Select which key in the list below is the default key, which will be tried first
when trying to authenticate a user.
Key Entry: Select whether the key is alphanumeric or hexadecimal.
Key 1 - Key 4: Enter the encryptions keys for WEP encryption. Enter the most likely to
be used in the field you selected as the default key.
Step 4 In the 802.11g Advanced tab, configure the performance settings for the 802.11g radio. For
most 802.11g advanced options, the default settings give optimum performance.
Hide SSID in Beacon: Check this option to have the SSID broadcast as part of the
wireless beacon, rather than as a separate broadcast.
Schedule IDS Scan: Select a time when there are fewer demands on the wireless
network to schedule an Intrusion Detection Service (IDS) scan to minimize the
inconvenience of dropped wireless connections.
Data Rate: Select the speed at which the data is transmitted and received. Best
automatically selects the best rate available in your area given interference and other
factors. Or you can manually select a data rate.
Transmit Power: Select the transmission power. Transmission power effects the range
of the SonicPoint. You can select: Full Power, Half (-3 dB), Quarter (-6 dB), Eighth
(-9 dB), or Minimum.
Antenna Diversity: The Antenna Diversity setting determines which antenna the
SonicPoint uses to send and receive data. You can select:
• Best: This is the default setting. When Best is selected, the SonicPoint
automatically selects the antenna with the strongest, clearest signal. In most cases,
Best is the optimal setting.