User Management
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
• If you select a limited lifetime, select the Prune account upon expiration checkbox to
have the user account deleted after the lifetime expires. Disable this checkbox to have the
account simply be disabled after the lifetime expires. The administrator can then re-enable
the account by resetting the account lifetime.
Step 8 Optionally enter a comment in the Comment field.
Step 9 On the Groups tab, under User Groups, select one or more groups to which the user will
belong, and click the arrow button -> to move the group name(s) into the Member of list. The
user will be a member of the selected groups. To remove the user from a group, select the group
from the Member of list, and click the left arrow button <-.
Step 10 The VPN Access tab configures which network resources VPN users (either GVC,
NetExtender, or Virtual Office bookmarks) can access. On the VPN Access tab, select one or
more networks from the Networks list and click the right arrow button (->) to move them to the
Access List column. To remove the user’s access to a network, select the network from the
Access List, and click the left arrow button (<-).
Note The VPN access tab affects the ability of remote clients using GVC, NetExtender, and
Virtual Office bookmarks to access network resources. To allow GVC, NetExtender, or
Virtual Office users to access a network resource, the network address objects or groups
must be added to the “allow” list on the VPN Access tab.
Step 11 On the Bookmark tab, administrators can add, edit, or delete Virtual Office bookmarks for each
user who is a member of a related group. For information on configuring SSL VPN bookmarks,
see “Configuring SSL VPN Bookmarks” on page 971.