VoIP Settings
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Configuring Bandwidth on the WAN Interface
BWM configurations begin by enabling BWM on the relevant WAN interface, and specifying the
available bandwidth on the interface in Kbps. This is performed from the Network > Interfaces
page by selecting the Configure icon for the WAN interface, and navigating to the Advanced
Egress and Ingress BWM can be enabled jointly or separately on WAN interfaces. Different
bandwidth values may be entered for outbound and inbound bandwidth to support asymmetric
links. Link rates up to 100,000 Kbps (100Mbit) may be declared on Fast Ethernet interface,
while Gigabit Ethernet interfaces will support link rates up to 1,000,000 (Gigabit). The
bandwidth specified should reflect the actual bandwidth available for the link. Oversubscribing
the link (i.e. declaring a value greater than the available bandwidth) is not recommended.
Once one or both BWM settings are enabled on the WAN interface and the available bandwidth
has been declared, a Bandwidth tab will appear on Access Rules. See the following
“Configuring VoIP Access Rules” section on page 821 for more information.