Security Services > Content Filter
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Note SonicWALL recommends that you make the Default CFS Premium policy the most
restrictive policy. Custom CFS policies are subject to content filter inheritance. This means
that all custom CFS policies inherit the filters from the Default CFS policy. To ensure proper
content filtering, the Default CFS policy should be configured to be the most restrictive
policy, then each custom policy should be configured to grant privileges that are otherwise
restricted by the Default policy.
To display the SonicWALL Filter Properties window, select SonicWALL CFS from the
Content Filter Type drop-down list on the Security Services > Content Filter page, and then
click Configure. The SonicWALL Filter Properties window is displayed. For configuration
information about the filter properties settings, see the following sections:
• “CFS” on page 1205
• “Policy” on page 1206
• “Custom List” on page 1209
• “Consent” on page 1212
The CFS tab allows you to enable IP-based HTTPS Content Filtering, block or allow traffic to
sites when the server is unavailable, and set preferences for your URL cache.
The Settings section allows you to enable HTTPS content filtering, select what you want the
firewall to do if the server is unavailable, and what it should do when access is attempted to a
forbidden Web site.