High Availability
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Verifying High Availability Status
There are several ways to view High Availability status in the SonicOS Enhanced management
interface. See the following sections:
• “Viewing the High Availability Status Table” on page 1169
• “Receiving Email Alerts About High Availability Status” on page 1171
• “Viewing High Availability Events in the Log” on page 1171
Viewing the High Availability Status Table
The High Availability Status table on the High Availability > Settings page displays the
current status of the HA Pair. If the Primary SonicWALL is Active, the first line in the table
indicates that the Primary SonicWALL is currently Active.
It is also possible to check the status of the Backup SonicWALL by logging into the unique LAN
IP address of the Backup SonicWALL. If the Primary SonicWALL is operating normally, the
status indicates that the Backup SonicWALL is currently Idle. If the Backup has taken over for
the Primary, the status table indicates that the Backup is currently Active.
In the event of a failure in the Primary SonicWALL, you can access the management interface
of the Backup SonicWALL at the Primary SonicWALL virtual LAN IP address or at the Backup
SonicWALL LAN IP address. When the Primary SonicWALL restarts after a failure, it is
accessible using the unique IP address created on the High Availability > Monitoring page. If
preempt mode is enabled, the Primary SonicWALL becomes the Active firewall and the Backup
firewall returns to Idle status.
The table displays the following information:
• Primary Status – This field is labeled Backup Status when viewed on the Backup
appliance. The possible values are:
Active – Indicates that this appliance is in the ACTIVE state.
Idle – Indicates that this appliance is in the IDLE state.
Disabled – Indicates that High Availability has not been enabled in the management
interface of this appliance.
Not in a steady state – Indicates that HA is enabled and the appliance is neither in the
ACTIVE nor the IDLE state.
• Dedicated HA-Link – Indicates the port, speed, and duplex settings of the HA link, such
as HA 1000 Mbps full-duplex, when two SonicWALL NSA E-Class appliances are
connected over their dedicated HA interfaces. On a SonicWALL NSA appliance that does
not have a dedicated HA interface, this field displays the designated interface, such as X5,