Appendix A: CLI Guide
SonicOS Enhanced 5.6 Administrator’s Guide
language-override chinese Overrides current unit language setting, resets
to Chinese
language-override english Overrides current unit language setting, resets
to English
language-override french Overrides current unit language setting, resets
to French
language-override german Overrides current unit language setting, resets
to German
language-override italian Overrides current unit language setting, resets
to Italian
language-override japanese Overrides current unit language setting, resets
to Japanese
language-override spanish Overrides current unit language setting, resets
to Spanish
logout Logs user out from the console
monitor Defines, or redefines, a command and displays
the output
no Negates a command or set its defaults
nslookup <dotted-int | hex |
Looks up the IP address of the given domain
name from the configurable domain name
ping <dotted-int | hex | ident> Sends ICMP packets to the destination IP
remote-console Executes a command without having to login
restart Restarts the SonicWALL
restore Restores the factory default settings on the
safemode Boots OS in safemode to assist in trouble-
show access-rules Displays the configured firewall access rules
show address-group Displays all defined address groups
show address-group <string |
Displays system address groups specified by
particular string or identifier input
show address-object Displays all defined address objects
show address-object <string |
Displays all defined address objects specified
by particular string or identifier input
show alerts Displays defined alerts
show all Displays the configuration information from dif-
ferent modules of the firewall
show arp Displays currently known Address Resolution
Protocol (ARP) entries
show ars all Displays all Advanced Routing System (ARS)
show ars nsm Displays all ARS paths being managed
through Network Status Management (NSM)
show ars ospf Displays ARS paths using Open Shortest Path
First (OSPF) protocol
Command Description