SSL VPN > Virtual Office
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Launching NetExtender Directly from Your Computer
After the first access and installation of NetExtender, you can launch NetExtender directly from
your computer without first navigating to the SSL VPN portal. To launch NetExtender, complete
the following procedure:
Step 1 Navigate to Start > All Programs.
Step 2 Select the SonicWALL SSL VPN NetExtender folder, and then click on SonicWALL SSL VPN
NetExtender. The NetExtender login window is displayed.
Step 3 The IP address of the last server you connected to is displayed in the SSL VPN Server field.
To display a list of recent servers you have connected to, click on the arrow.
Step 4 Enter your username and password.
Step 5 The last domain you connected to is displayed in the Domain field.
Step 6 The pulldown menu at the bottom of the window provides three options for remembering your
username and password:
Save user name & password if server allows
Save user name only if server allows
Always ask for user name & password
Tip Having NetExtender save your user name and password can be a security risk and should
not be enabled if there is a chance that other people could use your computer to access
sensitive information on the network.