Network > Interfaces
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Step 9 Line Build Out is available with T1. The options are: 0.0 dB, -7.5 dB, -15 dB, -22.5 dB.
CRC is configured with an enable/disable check-box. When
T1 is selected, the check-box is
labeled CRC6, when E1 is selected the check-box is labeled CRC4.
You can also choose to enable multicast.
Step 10 When finished with configuration, click OK.
The T1/E1 module interface will be added to the pool of available WAN interfaces
Configuring the LAN Bypass Module
This module allows you to perform a physical bypass of the firewall when the interface is
bridged to another interface with LAN bypass capability. This allows network traffic to continue
flowing if an unrecoverable firewall error occurs.
Step 1 Click on the Edit icon in the Configure column for the Interface of the expansion module
you want to configure. The E
dit Interface window is displayed. The Bypass option is only
displayed if an interface capable of performing the bridge is present.
Step 2 The window shows the LAN interface, and has a checkbox “Engage Physical ByPass on
Malfunction” to enable the physical bypass feature. This is only displayed when the interface
is bridged to another interface capable of performing the LAN bypass. Enabling this checkbox
means that the packets between the bridged pairs will not fail, even if the firmware or NSA
appliance fails.
If the checkbox is not enabled, the port
s will behave like normal Ethernet ports.
Click OK to configure the interface.