User Management
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Step 5 On the Settings tab of the LDAP Configuration window, configure the following fields:
• Name or IP Address – The FQDN or the IP address of the LDAP server against which you
wish to authenticate. If using a name, be certain that it can be resolved by your DNS server.
Also, if using TLS with the ‘Require valid certificate from server’ option, the name provided
here must match the name to which the server certificate was issued (i.e. the CN) or the
TLS exchange will fail.
• Port Number – The default LDAP over TLS port number is TCP 636. The default LDAP
(unencrypted) port number is TCP 389. If you are using a custom listening port on your
LDAP server, specify it here.
• Server timeout – The amount of time, in seconds, that the SonicWALL will wait for a
response from the LDAP server before timing out. Allowable ranges are 1 to 99999 (in case
you’re running your LDAP server on a VIC-20 located on the moon), with a default of 10
• Overall operation timeout – The amount of time, in minutes, to spend on any automatic
operation. Some operations, such as directory configuration or importing user groups, can
take several minutes, especially when multiple LDAP servers are in use. The default setting
is 5 minutes.
• Select one of the following radio buttons:
Anonymous Login – Some LDAP servers allow for the tree to be accessed
anonymously. If your server supports this (Active Directory generally does not), then
you may select this option.
Give login name/location in tree – Select this option to build the distinguished name
(dn) that is used to bind to the LDAP server from the “Login user name” and “User tree
for login to server” fields according to the following rules:
• The first name component begins “cn=”
• The ‘location in tree’ components all use “ou=” (apart from certain Active Directory
built-ins that begin with “cn=”)