WAN Acceleration > Status
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Action Items
System Information Panel
Device Configuration Panel
Name Description
Refresh Refreshes the W
AN Acceleration > Status page. The
refresh interval can be entered in the text field. The interval
can be increased to a maximum of 600 seconds.
Click the Refresh symbol to
manually update the Status
Click the Pause button
to stop updates on the page.
Probe for WXA Checks for the presence of a SonicW
ALL WXA series
appliance. This is a handshake between the SonicWALL
NSA/TZ series appliance and the SonicWALL WXA series
appliance, and confirms they are connected to each other.
Create Static DHCP Lease for
Creates a static and dynamic lease scope for the
SonicWALL WXA series appliance.
Apply Changes Applies the latest configuration changes.
Name Description
Operational Status The current status of the SonicW
ALL WXA series appliance
connection, displayed as a colored icon.
• Green shows that the appliance is in a running state.
• Yellow shows that the appliance is not detected.
• Red shows that the WAN Acceleration is disabled or an
error occurred.
Ensure the connection is properly set up before continuing
with further
License Expiry Date Displays the expiration date of the
SonicWALL WXA series
appliance license.
Model Number Displays the SonicWALL WXA series appliance model
Serial Number Displays the SonicWALL WXA se
ries appliance serial
Authentication Code Displays the authentication code used to register the
ALL WXA series appliance.
Note: this is also used as the password for a machine
account when automatically pr
ovisioning the SonicWALL
WXA series appliance.
Firmware Version Displays the firmware version that is currently loaded on
the SonicW
ALL WXA series appliance.
Name Description
Enable WAN Acceleration When selected, the WAN Acceleration feature is enabled.