Anti-Spam > LDAP Configuration
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
• Directory Node to Begin Search—Specify a full LDAP directory path that points towards
a node containing the information for all groups in the directory.
• Filter—Specify an LDAP filter to easily find and identify users and mailing lists on the
server. In this example,
• User Login Name Attribute—Specify the text attribute the user will use as their ‘login
name.’ The generally accepted attribute for this field is sAMAccountName. Note that this
field works in sync with the Filter field, and needs to agree in both fields if changed.
• Email Alias Attribute—Specify the email address, EmployeeID, PhoneNumber, or other
alias attributes that link a single user to his or her junk box. The single generally accepted
attribute for this field is proxyAddresses. Note that any other attributes must be separated
by a comma. In this example, proxyAddresses,legacyExchangeDN.
Add LDAP Mappings
If you
are using a Microsoft Windows environment, you will need to specify the NetBIOS domain
name. To locate the NetBIOS domain:
1. Login to your domain controller.
2. Navigate to Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Domains
and Trusts.
3. Highlight your domain from the Active Directory Domains and Trusts dialog box.
4. Click Action. Then, click Properties. The domain name appears on the domain’s
Properties dialog box on the General tab.