Verifying App Control Configuration
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
When the block is marked, it changes to red font. To unmark a block of characters, press
Step 3 After you mark the block, click Edit > Clipboard > Copy As Hex String.
Step 4 In Textpad or another text editor, press Ctrl+V to paste the selection and then press Enter to
end the line.
This intermediary step is necessary to allow you to remove sp
aces from the hex string.
Step 5 In Textpad, click Search > Replace to bring up the Replace dialog box. In the Replace dialog
box, type a space into the Find text box and leave the Replace text box empty. Click Replace
The hex string now has 50 hex characters
with no spaces between them.
Step 6 Double-click the hex string to select it, then press Ctrl+C to copy it to the clipboard.
Step 7 In the SonicOS user interface, navigate to Firewall > Match Objects and click Add Match
Step 8 In the Match Object Settings window, type a descriptive name into the Object Name text box.
Step 9 In the Match Object Type drop-down list, select Custom Object.
Step 10 For Input Representation, click Hexadecimal.
Step 11 In the Content text box, press Ctrl+V to paste the contents of the clipboard.