Network > Routing
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Configuring Advanced Routing for Tunnel Interfaces
In SonicOS versions 5.6 and higher, VPN Tunnel Interfaces can be configured for advanced
routing. To do so, you must enable advanced routing for the tunnel interface on the Advanced
tab of its configuration. See “Adding a Tunnel Interface” on page 906 for more information.
After you have enabled advanced routing for a Tunnel Interface, it is displayed in the list with
the other interfaces in the Advanced Routing table on the Network > Routing page.
To configure Advanced Routing options, click on the Configure RIP or Configure OSPF icon
for the Tunnel Interface you wish to configure.
The RIP and OSPF configurations for Tunnel Interfaces are very similar to the configurations
for traditional interfaces with the addition of two new options that are listed at the bottom of the
RIP or OSPF configuration window under a new Global Unnumbered Configuration heading.
Global Unnumbered Configuration
Because Tunnel Interfaces are not physical interfaces and have no inherent IP address, they
must “borrow” the IP address of another interface. Therefore, the advanced routing
configuration for a Tunnel Interface includes the following options for specifying the source and
destination IP addresses for the tunnel:
• IP Address Borrowed From - The interface whose IP address is used as the source IP
address for the Tunnel Interface.
Note The borrowed IP address must be a static IP address.
• Remote IP Address - The IP address of the remote peer to which the Tunnel Interface is
connected. In the case of a SonicWALL-to-SonicWALL configuration with another Tunnel
Interface, this should be the IP address of the borrowed interface of the Tunnel Interface
on the remote peer.
Note The IP Address Borrowed From and Remote IP Address values apply to both RIP and
OSPF for the Tunnel Interface. Changing one of these values in in RIP will change the value
in OSPF and vice versa.