Appendix A: CLI Guide
SonicOS Enhanced 5.6 Administrator’s Guide
Appendix A: CLI Guide
Appendix A: CLI Guide
This appendix contains a categorized listing of Command Line Interface (CLI) commands for
SonicOS Enhanced firmware. Each command is described, and where appropriate, an example
of usage is included.
This appendix contains the following sections:
• “Input Data Format Specification” section on page 1431
• “Text Conventions” section on page 1432
• “Editing and Completion Features” section on page 1432
• “Command Hierarchy” section on page 1433
• “SonicOS Enhanced Command Listing” section on page 1436
• “Configuring Site-to-Site VPN Using CLI” section on page 1474
• “SonicWALL NetExtender Windows Client CLI Commands” section on page 1478
• “SonicWALL NetExtender MAC and Linux Client CLI Commands” section on page 1479
Input Data Format Specification
The table below describes the data formats acceptable for most commands. H represents one
or more hexadecimal digit (0-9 and A-F). D represents one or more decimal digit.
Table 4 Input Data Formats
Data Data Format
IP Address D.D.D.D
IP Address
Integer Values D