Anti-Spam > Junk Box View
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Click the Go button to perform the search.
The results are displayed in the bottom section of the page.
Managing the Junk Store in the Junk Box View
Use the buttons at the top and bottom of the search results list to perform the following Junk
Store management tasks on the Anti-Spam > Junk Box View page:
To manage the Junk Store:
Step 1 In the results list, select the checkbox for the messages that you want to manage.
Step 2 To permanently delete the selected messages from the Junk Store, click the Delete button at
the top or bottom of the list.
The selected messages are deleted immediately – there is
no confirmation dialog box before
the deletion. If the deletion is successful, a green notification is displayed at the top of the page.
If the deletion fails, the notification is red.
Step 3 To remove the selected messages from the Junk Store and deliver them to the users, click the
Unjunk button.
The selected messages are unjunked and sent immediately
– there is no confirmation dialog
box before the action. If the action is successful, a green notification is displayed at the top of
the page. If the action fails, the notification is red.
Step 4 To send a copy of the selected messages to a user, click the Send Copy To button. Type the
email address into the Send Copy To dialog box and then click Send.
Check All Select the checkbox for all lines on the page. If there are more lines in the search results
than are displayed on the current page, only the results on the current page are selected.
Uncheck All Clear the checkbox for all lines on the page. If there are more lines in the search results
than are displayed on the current page, only the results on the current page are cleared.
Delete Permanently delete the selected message(s) from the Junk Store
Unjunk Remove the selected message(s) from the Junk Store and deliver them to the user(s) to
whom they are addressed. The delivery time and date will be set by the Exchange server
when each message is delivered to the user mailbox.
Send Copy To Keep the selected message(s) in the Junk Store, and send a copy of it or them to a user.
Display Set the number of lines of the search results to display on the page. The choices are 10,
25, and 50 lines per page. Pagination controls are provided to navigate to the first page,
previous page, next page, and last page of the results.
Sort Click any of the column headings in the results list to sort the results by that field.