Appendix A: CLI Guide
SonicOS Enhanced 5.6 Administrator’s Guide
show tsr time Displays TSR data relating to appliance’s time
policy configuration
show tsr timers Displays the timers section of the TSR
show tsr update Displays updated TSR
show tsr user-objects Displays TSR data relating to currently
defined user objects
show tsr users Displays TSR data relating to currently
configured user profiles
show tsr vx-net-stats Displays TSR data relating to VX-Net statistics
show tsr wireless
(Available on UTM appliances with
built in wireless interfaces)
Displays wireless interface section of the TSR
show tsr wlan-zone Displays TSR data relating to managed
wireless local area network zones
show tsr wlb Displays TSR data relating to WLB platform
show tsr zone-objects Displays TSR data relating to currently defined
zone objects
show vpn policy Displays Virtual Private Network (VPN) policy
show vpn policy <string | ident> Displays VPN policies specified by a particular
string or identifier input
show vpn sa Displays current VPN security associations
show vpn sa detail Displays detailed information on VPN security
show vpn sa summary Displays a data summary on current VPN
security associations
show vpn sa ike Displays VPN security association Internet Key
Exchange policies
show vpn sa ike detail Displays detailed information on VPN security
association Internet Key Exchange policies
show vpn sa ike summary Displays a data summary on VPN security
association Internet Key Exchange policies
show vpn sa ipsec Displays VPN security associations connected
with IPSec routing protocols
show vpn sa ipsec detail Displays detailed information on VPN security
associations connected with IPSec routing
show vpn sa ipsec summary Displays a data summary on VPN security
associations connected with IPSec routing
show vpn sa <string> Displays a particular VPN security association,
specified by a particular string input
show vpn sa <string> detail Displays details on a VPN security association,
specified by a particular string input
show vpn sa <string> summary Displays a data summary on a security
association, specified by a particular string
Command Description