User Management
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
• Enable login session limit: you can limit the time a user is logged into the SonicWALL by
selecting the check box and typing the amount of time, in minutes, in the Login session
limit (minutes) field. The default value is 30 minutes.
• Show user login status window: causes a status window to display with a Log Out button
during the user’s session. The user can click the Log Out button to log out of their session.
The User Login S
tatus window displays the number of minutes the user has left in the login
session. The user can set the remaining time to a smaller number of minutes by entering
the number and clicking the Update button.
If the user is a member of the SonicWALL Administrat
ors or Limited Administrators user
group, the User Login Status window has a Manage button the user can click to
automatically log into the SonicWALL appliance’s management interface. See “Disabling
the User Login Status Popup” on page 1117 for information about disabling the User L
window for administrative users. See “Configuring Local Groups” on page 1034 for
group configuration procedures.
• User's login status window sends heartbeat every (seconds): Sets the frequency of the
heartbeat signal used to detect whether the user still has a valid connection
• Enable disconnected user detection: Causes the SonicWALL to detect when a user’s
connection is no longer valid and end the session.
• Timeout on heartbeat from user's login status window (minutes): Sets the time needed
without a reply from the heartbeat before ending the user session.
Other Global User Settings
Allow these HTTP URLs to bypass users authentication access rules: Define a list of URLs
users can connect to without authenticating. To add a URL to the list:
Step 1 Click Add below the URL list.
Step 2 In the Enter URL window, enter the top level URL you are adding, for example,
. All sub directories of that URL are included, such as www.sonicwall.com/us/
Support.html. Click on OK to add the URL to the list.
For wildcard matching, prefix with '*.' and/or suffix with '...', e.g.: *.windowsupdate.com...
To allow access to a file on any host, prefix with '*/', e.g.: */wpad.dat.