User Management
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
The packets will be marked with (ldp) in the ingress/egress interface field. They will have
dummy Ethernet, TCP, and IP headers, so some values in these fields may not be correct. The
LDAP server port will be set to 389 so that an external capture analysis program (such as
Wireshark) will know to decode these packets as LDAP. Passwords in captured LDAP bind
requests will be obfuscated. The LDAP messages are not decoded in the Packet Monitor
display, but the capture can be exported and displayed in WireShark to view them decoded.
This will enable decrypted LDAPS packets to be fed to the packet monitor, but any monitor
filters will still be applied to them.
Note LDAPS capture only works for connections from the SonicWALL appliance’s LDAP client,
and will not display LDAP over TLS connections from an external LDAP client that pass
through the appliance.
Configuring Multiple Administrator Support
This section contains the following subsections:
• “Configuring Additional Administrator User Profiles” on page 1115
• “Configuring Administrators Locally when Using LDAP or RADIUS” on page 1115
• “Preempting Administrators” on page 1116
• “Activating Configuration Mode” on page 1117
• “Verifying Multiple Administrators Support Configuration” on page 1120
• “Viewing Multiple Administrator Related Log Messages” on page 1121