SonicPoint > RF Analysis
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Making Sense of the RF Score
RF Score is a calculated number on a scale of 1-10 which is used to represent the overall
condition for a channel. The higher the score, the better the RF environment is. Low scores
indicate that attention is needed by the administrator.
SonicWALL wireless driver report signal strength in RSSI, this number is used in the below
equation to get a raw score on a scale of 1 to 100.
Preliminary RF Score Formula:
• rfaScore100 = 100-((rssiTotal-50)*7/10)) simplified: rfaScore100 = -0.7*rssiTotal + 135;
A final score is based on this rfaScore100:
• If the RFA score is greater than 96, it is reported as 10.
• rIf the RFA score is less than 15, it is reported as 1.
• All other scores are divided by 10 in order to fall into the 1-10 scale.
In the SonicOS interface, the RF Score is displayed for the channel that is being used by the
Note This feature depends on the knowledge of what channel SonicPoint is operating in. If the
channel number is unknown, RF Score is going to be not available.
Viewing Overloaded Channels
RFA will give a warning when it detects more than four active APs in the same channel. As
shown below, no matter how strong their signal strength is, RFA will mark the channel as
Figure 46:3 RFA Overloaded Channels
Information about each discovered AP includes: SSID, MAC, signal strength, and channel. Two
values are shown for signal strength: dBm and percentage value.