8. When capture is complete, the following note displays:
9. On the remote, press M
ENU to dismiss the note and the
Logo Capture menu from the screen.
10. To see the custom splash screen, on the remote, press
CURTAIN. Depending on the size of the captured
image and the positioning choices, the logo may take
up to a minute to display.
11. To return to the input source, press CURTAIN again.
✎ The custom logo is also available from the Test
Patterns menu (Menu > Diagnostics > Test
Patterns > Logo).
Logo capture guidelines
It is difficult to say what is the largest size logo you can
capture. There are 576 kilobytes of memory set aside for
the logo (at 16 bits per pixel), which can hold an image of
about 576x512 pixels, but this varies depending on how
much it can be compressed. However, large or high resolu-
tion images draw quite slowly, so you may be happier with
a lower resolution image scaled up to the size you want.
As an example, the Clarity logo you see on the splash
screen is 666 pixels wide and 213 pixels high scaled one to
one. If you have an image you would like to use for a logo,
you can open it in a graphics application (such as Paint or
Adobe Illustrator) on a computer connected to the Bobcat
On the Bobcat X, from the Scale Mode submenu
(Main > Aspect Ratio & Wall), set the Scale Mode to
One to One and you will see your logo at the size it will be
if you set the logo capture Scaling to One to One. If it
appears too small, set the logo capture scaling to a higher
value. If you wish to stretch your logo as big as it can be on
the screen set the scaling to Full Screen. You may need to
capture a few times at different settings to find what looks
If the logo draws too slowly or is too large, try reducing
the size of your image using your graphics application pro-
gram, capturing the smaller image, and using the Bobcat
X's scaling mode to scale it to the desired size.
✎ Use a static image; moving images are too difficult
to capture
Logo Capture Complete