The ID is in two parts, Group ID and Unit ID. Each of
these has a range of 0–9, A–Z. This range results in 1296
possible addresses.
You can group the Bay Cat Xs by using the same letter
or number of the Group ID, such as 8. In this way you can
address the group as 8*, and all the Bay Cat Xs in the string
that have Group ID 8 and any Unit ID will execute the com-
mand. See the RS232 programming guide for Bay Cat X
(part number 070-0108-02 or later) on www.ClarityVi-
1. Click the lower, blue button.
2. Use the name “tech” and password “help”.
Response type and terminator
The ASCII Response Type determines what type of
data will be returned to the computer. For human readable
text in a serial program choose Symbolic. For computer-
read data you can use Numeric or Data Only.
The ASCII Response Terminator will be determined
by what your serial program wants to see at the end of
every transmission from the Bay Cat X.
Baud Rate must be the same as that used by the con-
trolling computer. The baud rate is not automatically set, as
it is with modem communications. It must be manually set
here and at the computer to match each other.
✎ For firmware upgrades, you don’t need to adjust
the baud rate.
Diagnostics for RS232
To view RS232 port status, go to Main Menu > Diag-
nostics > RS232 Port Status.
The Serial Port Status RS232 menu lists items that
concern RS232. For more information, see “Serial Port Sta-
tus Settings” on page 91.
Unit Status
RS232 Port Status
Test Patterns
Setup Summary
Serial Port Status RS232
Press <enter> to clear
Commands Received 34
Replies Sent 34
Last Packet Type Operation
Last Packet Address Not Addressed
Bytes Received 921
Bytes Sent 773
UART Framing Errors 4
UART Overflow Errors 0
Group 0 Unit: 0 19200 Baud
Most Recent
... 103, 105, 116, 97, 108. 46, 82, 71, 66, 13