5.2 Diagnostics, Test Patterns
These are used for testing and troubleshooting
Possibly the most important test pattern is None. This is the
one that allows the source picture to show on the screen.
All other patterns block the program picture.
All test patterns are full screen. Aspect Ratio has no
To turn on a Test Pattern
1. Press
MONITOR then press ENTER.
2. Select the pattern with the arrow keys. Move between
columns using left-right arrow keys; up-down arrows
will eventually get you to the next column.
3. Press
ENTER to display the highlighted test pattern.
✎ When a Test Pattern is shown, the program
picture is blocked. To see the source picture, set
Test Pattern to None.
To turn off a Test Pattern
1. Press
MONITOR then press ENTER.
2. Select None with the up-down arrows.
3. Press
White, Red, Green, Blue, Black, and Gray all show
full screens of the color. Gray is 50%.
4 x 4 Checkerboard is a pattern of 16 rectangles alter-
nating black and white. This pattern is used in the factory.
The Gray, Red, Green, and Blue Scales show 32- or
64-step scales. You should be able to see all the steps
Grid shows a white background with a 4 x 4 grid of
magenta lines surrounded by a 3-pixel-wide magenta bor-
der. This is useful for aligning an image, especially in rear
projection applications.
Color Bars displays a pattern of the three primary colors
and the primary combinations along with black and white.
This is similar to, but not the same as, color bars in the tele-
vision and video field. These bars are 100% saturated.
Uniformity shows some marks on the screen where fac-
tory measurements are made for color and brightness uni-
formity testing.
Colors shows a rainbow of colors and a gray scale at sev-
eral levels of saturation for testing uniformity.
Unit Status
The Unit Status menu displays information about the
The first two lines display the product name and screen
resolution of the unit, along with the firmware revision
level. Other information is described below.
Asset Tag is an optional user settable field which is set
via the RS-232 port. This could be a serial number, name or
any other piece of information desired
Backlight Status shows OK if the electronics module
detects that both banks of backlights are functioning nor-
mally. Shows Failed if one or both of the backlight banks is
not drawing the correct amount of current
Internal Temperature is the current internal tempera-
ture at one point on the backplane of the LCD panel. For
more information, see “Internal Temperature” on page 85.
Mode ID is the index into the internal mode table found
for the incoming signal. This is used in diagnosis of mode
detection problems
HPer is the measured horizontal period of the incoming
signal. This is used in diagnosis of mode detection prob-
VLines is the number of horizontal lines detected per
vertical period. This is used in diagnosis of mode detection
Custom Test Patterns
Using the Custom Test Pattern Color menu (Test Pat-
terns > Custom Color), you can create custom solid color
test patterns.