4-42 Series 90-30/20/Micro Programmable Controllers Reference Manual – September 1998 GFK-0467K
Parameter Description
enable When the function is enabled, the operation is performed.
I1 I1 contains a constant or reference for the first value to be compared.
(I1 is on the left side of the relational equation, as in I1 < I2).
I2 I2 contains a constant or reference for the second value to be compared.
(I2 is on the right side of the relational equation, as in I1 < I2).
Q Output Q is energized when I1 and I2 match the specified relation.
I1 and I2 must be valid numbers, i.e., cannot be NaN (Not a Number).
Expanded Description:
Function Description
Equal When enabled, if the value at input I1 is equal to the value at input I2, output Q is
Not Equal When enabled, if the value at input I1 is NOT equal to the value at input I2, output Q is
Greater Than When enabled, if the value at input I1 is greater than the value at input I2, output Q is
Greater Than
or Equal
When enabled, if the value at input I1 is greater than or equal to the value at input I2,
output Q is energized.
Less Than When enabled, if the value at input I1 is less than the value at input I2, output Q is
Less Than
or Equal
When enabled, if the value at input I1 is less than or equal to the value at input I2, output
Q is energized.
Valid Memory Types:
Parameter flow %I %Q %M %T %S %G %R %AI %AQ const none
enable •
I1 o o o o o • • • •†
I2 o o o o o • • • •†
Q • •
• Valid reference or place where power may flow through the function.
o Valid reference for INT data only; not valid for DINT or REAL.
† Constants are limited to integer values for double precision signed integer operations.