4-56 Series 90-30/20/Micro Programmable Controllers Reference Manual – September 1998 GFK-0467K
| |
(enable) —| SHL
| |
| |
(word to be shifted) —|IN B2|— (last bit shifted out)
| LEN |
| |
| |
(number of bits) —|N Q|— (output parameter Q)
| |
(bit shifted in) —|B1 |
Parameter Description
enable When the function is enabled, the shift is performed.
IN IN contains the first word to be shifted.
N N contains the number of places (bits) that the array is to be shifted.
B1 B1 contains the bit value to be shifted into the array.
B2 B2 contains the bit value of the last bit shifted out of the array.
Q Output Q contains the first word of the shifted array.
LEN LEN is the number of words in the array to be shifted.
Valid Memory Types:
Parameter flow %I %Q %M %T %S %G %R %AI %AQ const none
enable •
IN • • • • • • • • •
N • • • • • • • • •
B1 •
B2 • •
Q • • • • •† • • • •
• Valid reference or place where power may flow through the function.
† %SA, %SB, or %SC only; %S cannot be used.