4-128 Series 90-30/20/Micro Programmable Controllers Reference Manual – September 1998 GFK-0467K
Use the JUMP instruction to cause a portion of the program logic to be bypassed. Program
execution will continue at the LABEL specified. When the JUMP is active, all coils within its
scope are left at their previous states. This includes coils associated with timers, counters, latches,
and relays.
Logicmaster 90-30/20/Micro software supports two forms of the JUMP instruction, a non-nested
and a nested form. The non-nested form has been available since Release 1 of the software, and has
the form ——————>>LABEL01, where LABEL01 is the name of the corresponding non-
nested LABEL instruction.
For non-nested JUMPs, there can be only a single JUMP instruction for each LABEL instruction.
The JUMP can be either a forward or a backward JUMP.
The range for non-nested JUMPs and LABELs cannot overlap the range of any other
JUMP/LABEL pair or any MCR/ENDMCR pair of instructions. Non-nested JUMPs and their
corresponding LABELs cannot be within the scope of any other JUMP/LABEL pair or any
MCR/ENDMCR pair. In addition, an MCR/ENDMCR pair or another JUMP/LABEL pair cannot
be within the scope of a non-nested JUMP/LABEL pair.
The non-nested form of the JUMP instruction is the only JUMP instruction that
can be used in a Release 1 Series 90-30 PLC. The nested JUMP function can be
used (and is suggested for use) for all new applications.
Also, please note that the 350 and 360 series CPUs support only nested jumps.
Non-nested jumps are not supported on 350 and 360 series CPUs.
The nested form of the JUMP instruction has the form ———N——>>LABEL01, where
LABEL01 is the name of the corresponding nested LABEL instruction. It is available in Release 2
and later releases of Logicmaster 90-30/20/Micro software and PLC firmware.
A nested JUMP instruction can be placed anywhere within a program, as long as it does not occur
in the range of any non-nested MCR or non-nested JUMP.
There can be multiple nested JUMP instructions corresponding to a single nested LABEL. Nested
JUMPs can be either forward or backward JUMPs.
Both forms of the JUMP instruction are always placed in columns 9 and 10 of the current rung line;
there can be nothing after the JUMP instruction in the rung. Power flow jumps directly from the
instruction to the rung with the named label.