GFK-0467K Chapter 4 Series 90-30/20/Micro Instructions Set 4-173
PID Parameter Block:
Besides the 2 input words and the 3 Manual control contacts, the PID block uses 13 of the
parameters in the RefArray. These parameters must be set before calling the block. The other
parameters are used by the PLC and are non-configurable. The %Ref shown in the table below is
the same RefArray Address at the bottom of the PID block. The number after the plus sign is the
offset in the array. For example, if the RefArray starts at %R100, the %R113 will contain the
Manual Command used to set the Control Variable and the integrator in Manual mode.
Table 4-4. PID Parameters Overview
Register Parameter Low Bit Units Range of Values
%Ref+0000 Loop Number Integer 0 to 255 (for user display only)
%Ref+0001 Algorithm N/A; set and
maintained by the
%Ref+0002 Sample Period 10 milliseconds 0 (every sweep) to 65535 (10.9 Min).
Use at least 10 for 90-30 PLCs (see Note
on page 4-171).
%Ref+0003 Dead Band + PV Counts 0 to 32000 (never negative)
%Ref+0004 Dead Band — PV Counts –32000 to 0 (never positive)
%Ref+0005 Proportional Gain –Kp 0.01 CV%/PV% 0 to 327.67 %/%
%Ref+0006 Derivative Gain–Kd 0.01 seconds 0 to 327.67 sec
%Ref+0007 Integral Rate–Ki Repeat/1000 Sec 0 to 32.767 repeat/sec
%Ref+0008 CV Bias/Output Offset CV Counts
–32000 to 32000 (add to integrator
%Ref+0009 Upper Clamp CV Counts
–32000 to 32000(>%Ref+10) output limit
%Ref+0010 Lower Clamp CV Counts –32000 to 32000(<%Ref+09) output limit
%Ref+0011 Minimum Slew Time Second/Full
0 (none) to 32000 sec to move 32000 CV
%Ref+0012 Config Word Low 5 bits used Bit 0 to 2 for Error+/–, OutPolarity,
%Ref+0013 Manual Command CV Counts Tracks CV in Auto or Sets CV in Manual
%Ref+0014 Control Word Maintained by the
PLC, unless Bit 1
is set.
PLC maintained unless set otherwise: low
bit sets Override if 1 (see description in
the “PID Parameters Details” table on
page 4-174)
%Ref+0015 Internal SP N/A; set and
maintained by the
%Ref+0016 Internal CV N/A; set and
maintained by the
%Ref+0017 Internal PV N/A; set and
maintained by the
%Ref+0018 Output N/A; set and
maintained by the