B-6 Series 90-30/20/Micro Programmable Controllers Reference Manual – September 1998 GFK-0467K
Table B-4 shows the error codes for all the other fault groups.
Table B-4. Alarm Error Codes for PLC Faults
Decimal Hexadecimal Name
PLC Error Codes for Loss of Option Module Group
44 2C Option Module Soft Reset Failed.
45 2D Option Module Soft Reset Failed.
255 FF Option Module Communication Failed.
Error Codes for Reset of, Addition of, or Extra Option Module Group
2 2 Module Restart Complete.
All others Reset of, Addition of, or Extra Option Module.
Error Codes for Option Module Software Failure Group
1 1 Unsupported Board Type.
2 2 COMREQ – mailbox full on outgoing message that starts the
3 3 COMREQ – mailbox full on response.
5 5 Backplane Communications with PLC; Lost Request.
11 B Resource (alloc, tbl ovrflw, etc.) error.
13 D User program error.
401 191 Module Software Corrupted; Requesting Reload.
Error Codes for System Configuration Mismatch Group
8 8 Analog Expansion Mismatch.
10 A Unsupported Feature.
23 17 Program exceeds memory limits.
Error Codes for System Bus Error Group
All others System Bus Error.
Error Codes for Program Block Checksum Group
3 3 Program or program block checksum failure.
Error Codes for Low Battery Signal
0 0 Failed battery on PLC CPU or other module.
1 1 Low battery on PLC CPU or other module.
Error Codes for User Application Fault Group
2 2 PLC Watchdog Timer Timed Out .
5 5 COMREQ – WAIT mode not available for this command.
6 6 COMREQ – Bad Task ID.
7 7 Application Stack Overflow.
Error Codes for System Bus Failure Group
1 1 Operating system.
Error Codes for Corrupted User RAM on Powerup Group
1 1 Corrupted User RAM on Power-up.
2 2 Illegal Boolean Opcode Detected.
Error Codes for PLC CPU Hardware Faults
All codes PLC CPU Hardware Failure.