HP (Hewlett-Packard) 86140A TV Cables User Manual

Remote Operation
SENSe Subsystem Commands
[SENSe:][WAVelength:]STARt <numeric_value>[M|NM|UM|A|HZ|KHZ|MHZ|GHZ]
Specifies the start wavelength. The center wavelength and span are adjusted
so that:
If the instrument is in zero span, this command sets the center wavelength to
the value specified.
Start Center
Stop Center
With Wavelength Limit Off, the minimum value for the Start Wavelength is nominally
350 nm. The maximum value is 1999.8 nm. These limits are valid for wavelengths refer-
enced in air or vacuum.
With Wavelength Limit On, the minimum value for the Start Wavelength is nominally
600 nm. The maximum value is 1699.8 nm. These limits are valid for wavelengths refer-
enced in air or vacuum.
The Preset value for Wavelength Limit is On. The Preset value for Start Wavelength is
600 nm.
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