46 MTS(Multi.ChannelTelevisionSound)System
Your DVD/VCR can play recordings broadcast in Hi-Fi (highfidelity) stereo, which produces a crisp, clear
sound from two sources. Your DVD/VCR also can play tapes recorded in a second audio (usually,that
meansyour program is recorded in a second language). Of course, your DVD/VCR will play tapes recorded
in monaural (single-source) sound as well.
Your DVD/VCR alsowill record in Hi-Fi stereo or in second audio,so when you play back that tape on the
DVD/VCR, it will be in stereo or second audio.
Read the directions on this pageto familiarize yourself with your DVD/VCR's stereo and second audio
setups. Then follow the directions on page 47 to record in stereo or second audio and the directions on
page48 to play back tapes recorded in Hi-Fi stereo.
Understanding On-Screen Displays
When you receive a signalfrom a channel you're watching, portions of the on-screen display shown below
will appear when you press the DISPLAY/STATUS/EXITbutton on the remote control.
The indication 2ND AUD or TV
STE'_EOthat appears on this side of
the status display tells you if your
DVD/VCR is programmed to receive a
second audio or stereo broadcast (it
cannot be programmed to receive
both at the same time).
(_5TOP 12:cOOHA0_
SLP 1:23:45 HIFI
The indication2ND AUD orSTEREO
that appears on this sideof the status
displaytellsyou if the program you're
watchingis availablein secondaudio
or stereo.
Thisindicationis not availableduring
tape playback.
_SSTOP 12:00 AM
_2ND AUD •
_LP 1:23:45 HIEIj
jWhen a program broadcast in stereo is available,STEREOappears here.
/When a program broadcast in second audio is available,2ND AUD
f appears here.
____.When a program is availableboth in stereo and second audio,both
STEREOand 2ND AUD appear here. Even though a program is available
in stereo or second audio, you still must program the DVD/VCR to
receive or record the program. Follow the directions on page47.
NOTE:Althougha programmay be broadcastin both stereoand secondaudio,
you cannot recordin bothstereoand secondaudioat the sametime.
To record and play back programs broadcast in stereo, even if you havea single-speaker_ just use one of
the connections shown,then follow the steps on pages47-48.
Monitor Stereo Single
TV SpeakerTV SpeakerTV
Monaural Sound J
I RF coaxial cable (supplied) from DVD/VCR's _LI -_ _oo _
ANT-OUT (Antenna Out)jack to TV's IP' J : oo
Video cable from DVD/VCRVIDEO OUT Jack of
DVD/VCR to VIDEO IN Jack of rnonitorTV
Stereo Amplifier
or Receiver
Audio cables from
Jacks of DVD/VCR to
AUDIO IN Jacks of Stereo
Amplifier or Receiver