64 CameraAngles
oo ° o, .°o oo oo o° • • ° ° o
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Some DVDs contain scenesthat were recorded from different
angles.Youmay select a camera angle with the DVD/VCR.
• Before you begin, place the DVD/VCR in DVD mode.
Pressthe DVD/VCR OUTPUT button so that the red DVD light
appears on the front of the DVD/VCR.
Press the DVD button, then press the ANGLE button dur- •
ing playback.
Within 15 seconds, press ttne A/v buttons to select a dif-
ferent angle.
Angle I (default) of eight
possible angles
Press the A/v buttons to
select another angle.
Angle 2
Press the A/v buttons again.
• If the Disc contains sequences recorded from different camera
angles,the angle symbol _3 will appear at the bottom-right of
the screen.You can change the camera angle when the symbol
appears on the screen.
• The camera angle cannot be changedif the Disc does not con-
tain sequences recorded from different camera angles.
Helpful Hints
TheANGLE ICON must be set to
ON in order for the angle symbol to
appear as described in step 2.To set
ANGLE ICON to ON, see page 74.
If the angle status appears on the
screen (for example,ANGLE [ I]/8),
the angle symbol will not appear on
the screen.